Damn I love a good About Me page.
What is all that is pretty?
I initially adopted all that is pretty after a lengthy stint in Africa and being surrounded by so much beauty in my life. Over the years all that is pretty has seen a lot of half assed renditions. My original goal was to create an accessory brand made from African fabrics. There is an Etsy shop (for now), there have been sporadic blog posts and random insta posts, but nothing felt quite how I wanted it to be. With some deep reflection, I decided to turn all that is pretty into a lifestyle blog where I am able to show more of my creative journey (and hopefully motivate myself to stick with it). Revamped, allthatispretty[dot]ca will be a collection of my homemade journey through life. Where I will document all things homemade and of course…pretty.
(don’t worry, I’m still working on plans to launch a product line…but more to come on that later)
Who is behind all that is pretty?
Hi. I’m Erin. I am a true Taurus and Type A personality. I often take on too many things and struggle with the anxiety it causes. I grew up in small town Ontario in both the city and the country. I am witty (I think) and sarcastic. I love to travel, run, laze about with my dog and naturally, make shit. Oh yeah, I curse too.
I am all about all things handmade. I always have been and I always will be. I have been sewing and cross stitching since I was about 8 or 9 (I don’t actually remember when). I took up knitting in my 20s. I have been crafting since I have been able to hold things. It saddens me that pioneer crafts are going by the wayside in this digital world. I am inspired by bright and bold fabrics, soft and luxurious yarn, vintage items, fluffy pillows and blankets and everything that exudes comfort crossed with beaut
What will you see here?
Mainly a documentation of my adventures in crafting, sewing, knitting, cross stitching, baking, cooking, gardening, home renos, natural home and beauty, and probably 1 million other things.
Life is complicated enough. Create time to enjoy the little things and make something.
– ME
Thanks for popping by and hopefully you’ll find something here for you.