I’m being ambitious this year and setting far too many Make Nine 2022 goals I am sure. I broke them down this year in to sewing and knitting/crocheting. So here is my Make Nine 2022 – Sewing list.
You will see a theme here as I got quite a few patterns on sale last year through Grainline Studios and I am super excited to get started! I’m going to be digging in to my fabric stash for all of these in efforts to pare down what I am storing. Hopefully this Make Nine 2022 is a success and I have room for new fabrics in 2023!
1. Tamarack Jacket (with hood) by Grainline Studios
I inherited a lot of my grandmothers quilting supplies and started projects when she passed away. I don’t need any more quilts, so I have been racking my brain for a good way to put these to use and be able to cherish them instead of stashing them under a bed. I came across a lot of other makers recently who have made some amazing quilted jackets and decided that this would be perfect to use my stash. I have been patiently waiting for the perfect pattern. And then Grainline added a hood option to their Tamarack Jacket! (Heads up: hood option is purchased separately from the pattern). I haven’t decided which fabrics or quilt pattern or any other details other than I want to make one of these! So more details to come.

2. Cascade Duffle by Grainline Studios
It was like the stars aligned on this one. I really liked the style of the jacket and the pattern was on sale, so in my cart it went. The next day I was in the fabric store and they had boiled wool on sale! Into my cart it went! I picked up an interesting olive-ish green colour for a jacket for me. I happened to be chatting with my little sister at the same time and picked up some fabric for a version for her too! Her colour choices are a little more ‘safe’, so she is getting a beautiful grey/white/black version – almost a tweed look.

3. Morgan Jeans by Closet Core Patterns
I have been wanting to make my own jeans forever as I can never seem to get the right fit out of ready to wear lines. I have had this pattern and the Ginger Jeans pattern by Closet Core for a while now. While rooting around in my fabric stash, I found this awesome light blue vintage denim (non-stretch) from my grandmother’s stash, so it will become a pair of Morgan Jeans! I’m debating on the workshop that Closet Core offers and whether I want to make a muslin first. I really hate making muslins, it seems like twice the work.

4. Carolyn Pyjamas by Closet Core Patterns
I have made these pyjamas quite a few times and I love the pattern. I haven’t quite perfected the fit, so I am going to try another pair, but in a lightweight cotton. I’ll probably stick with shorts and a long sleeve top version. I think I am going to pick some of my Kenyan cottons and do some pattern clashing for this.

5. Bobby Dress by Seamwork
This year I signed up for a Seamwork membership and it has been great. There are so many great patterns available. I picked out this one to utilize a wide navy/cream stripe knit that I picked up so long ago. It has just been waiting for a pattern. I’m not sold on the thick stripes, but we will see how it works up in a long dress.

6. Miller Shorts by Seamwork
I have made a couple of pairs of shorts in the past and they are probably my favourite handmade item in my closet. The last pair I made were Lander Shorts by True Bias, but I’m going to branch out and try something new. I really love the paperbag waist on this pattern. I have a variety of cotton/linens in my stash so I haven’t picked the perfect one yet.

7. Maritime Shorts by Grainline Studios
Another pair of shorts for summer, likely in a black or blue linen or a chambray even.

8. Scout Tee by Grainline Studio
I have never made a t-shirt. Like ever. I never used to wear them, but they have become a staple item in my wardrobe during the pandemic, so I’m going to test out this pattern. I have some knits that I picked up at the beginning of last year that are just waiting to be used. I have a few bright colours so we will see how this pattern goes and perhaps there will be a second!

9. Zinnia Skirt by Colette
I added this to my list because so much of my wardrobe is casual these days and I kind of miss wearing nicer skirts. I have tentatively decided on some beautiful woven cotton from Kenya (if I have enough) for this. If not, then it will likely be linen or chambray.

Well, there you have it. My Make Nine 2022. I definitely have more than nine items on my actual list, but I’m going to just pretend this is it and set a goal to work away on these makes. I still have a couple of WIPs that I need to finish. My Hampton jacket made from my dad’s old jeans just needs it sleeves sewn on and then I want to do some hand embroidery. I have a Penny Dress that is basically done, but I didn’t take the time to do a FBA (full bust adjustment) on it so it gapes at the armpits and I haven’t decided how to fix this yet. I also cut out a Peppermint Summer Sundress, but again – need to factor in an FBA…Perhaps I should start doing more muslins.
Like I said, I broke down my Make Nine 2022 lists into sewing and knitting/crochet, so if you want to see what I have planned for my fibres, click here.
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