It has been while since I have done a WIP round up. My goal for 2023 was to not acquire any new yarn (I made it seven months) and work through my stash. It has been going well so far, except I just purchased new yarn for an intentional project, so I am going to let that one slide.
Anyway, I thought I’d take a moment to run through my current WIPs and after counting, I’m a little embarrassed at the number of projects I have going on. But, I knit and crochet and love variety in my projects so I always have something to work on depending on my mood/energy level/the weather or whatever other external factor at hand.
Are you ready for this? There are TWELVE projects on my list! Some are in active progress, some may make it in to hibernation, but here is what is on needles/hooks right now. I will link to the Ravelry Project pages as well.
Sock Along 2023 Socks

Pattern: Contrast Blast Socks by Stephen West
Yarn: South Beach Yarn Co & The Loving Path
Craft: Knit
These were cast on as part of the Stephen West Sock-Along 2023. Initially, I was very excited by the idea of having weekly clues having the pattern released weekly. After falling behind and seeing spoilers on IG I became unconvinced that they are a fit for the yarn I chose. I cast on with a beautiful pastel mini set from South Beach Yarn Co and a skein of Thestral from The Loving Path Yarn. I feel like this pattern is not going to do my yarn justice. So I’m going to wait a few weeks to decide whether I will carry on or frog. I have some ideas for future socks with this yarn and I will probably reknit these socks at a later date with different yarn.
Status: Hibernation
Painted Socks

Pattern: Using a variation of the a Bernat sock pattern I’ve been using forever
Yarn: Paint Sock by Laines du Nord
Craft: Knit
Oops I lied above. I have purchased other yarn this year. This summer my LYS, Little Red Mitten, was having a sidewalk sale so I couldn’t resist. I picked up a skein of this beautiful Painted Sock yarn. Oh gosh is it soft! It’s a 75/25 wool/nylon blend from Italy and I love it so much. I wish I had gotten more colour ways but I have enough sock yarn already. Inspired by The Crazy Sock Lady, I purchased some 9″ circular needles and decided to test them out on this pair of socks. There is definitely a learning curve, but I am getting the hang of it.
Status: Active
Fairy Socks

Pattern: Fairy Maiden by This Handmade Life
Yarn: Sewrella oopsie tweed sock yarn
Craft: Knit
I am using the leftovers from my test crochet of the Shiloh Pattern tee. It was part of an oopsie sock yarn pack I bought from Sewrella a couple of years back. I started these socks ages ago, but only got one done. They have a very nice cable/lace pattern and I do really like them so I should bring them out of hibernation.
Status: Hibernating
Sparks Socks

Pattern: Sparks Socks by Andrea Lowry
Yarn: A mix of Croy Sock yarn and vintage sock yarn from my grandmother
Craft: Knit
Another pair of socks that I started a long time ago. I got one sock done and it is a little big (I am horrible and never gauge swatch). I also ran into some issues with the vintage yarn. It is very old, with no label but I think it’s from the 70s/80s maybe. It was breaking a lot so I’m not sure it will hold up. I do love this pattern though so I think I might re-cast on with different yarns.
Status: Hibernation
Savant Socks – test knit

Pattern: Savant socks by Hanks and Needles (in testing)
Yarn: South Beach and The Loving Path
Craft: Knit
These socks are a test knit that is almost complete. They have a beautiful lace pattern down the front. I am using the yarn rescued from my West Knit Sock A Long as I felt it would show the pattern off well. Making these for a friend and then will cast on a second pair. This is my first attempt at knitting socks toe-up and I don’t mind it. Except I wouldn’t wish casting on toe up with DPNs (double pointed needles) on anyone. Yet, I’m too lazy to go buy magic loop needles. The pattern is releasing in October – so stay tuned.
Opal Tank
Pattern: Opal Tank from Two of Wands
Yarn: Lion Brand Coboo in Silver
Craft: Knitting
I went haywire and bought five kits from Lion Brand back in 2020 I think when they had a great sale on. This was one of the kits. I loved the look of this tank and the fit. I’m not sure it will suit my body type, but I was so in love I just had to try it. Casting on just this week and I’m in love. The yarn is so soft and I’m excited to see how it works up.
Status: Active
Elsa’s Sweater
Pattern: 20 year Anniversary Sweater by
Yarn: Istex LettLopi
Craft: Knitting
I knit the adult size of this pattern for my friend and she wants a matching one for her daughter, who is 3. The pattern only goes as low as size 8, so I’ve had to do a lot of maths and calculations to figure out the size and number of stitches, etc. I’ve gotten through the body and one sleeve cast on, but it now requires some extra work on redesigning the colour work in the yoke. Definitely one of my more challenging projects. This yarn is fantastic. It’s 100% Icelandic wool so has a good grab but when I blocked the adult version, I fell in love with it. There may be a sweater for me in the future using this yarn. It would be perfect for ice skating in the winter – which I never do – so makes sense.
Status: Active
Le Bateau

Pattern: Le Bateau Sweater by Two of Wands
Yarn: Bernat Softee Baby
Craft: Knitting
Oh this sweater. I love a good striped sweater and I cast this on a couple of years ago. It’s knit flat and stitched together so I got the front done and then worked the back about a year later. Whelp, my gauge was so off, I had to start over. Then I wasn’t sure how much I would really love it when it was done. I think mostly because the colours are very loud (bright pink and blue). I’m going to put this on the back burner until I clear off some other WIPs so I can think about whether this will be something I finish.
Status: Hibernating
Ziggy Interrupted

Pattern: Ziggy Interrupted by Sandra Paul
Yarn: Loving Path and Miss Babs
I fell in love with this pattern the moment I saw it sitting on the backseat of my friends car on the way to the cottage last fall. I love the tiny little squares and the zigzags that tie them together. Plus, my knit WIPs were piling up and I didn’t have anything crocheted underway, so I decided to start on this one. It’ a project I am slowly working on as there are a lot of moving parts. I imagine once I finish the 80 some odd squares I will pick up steam on this one. But for now, it’s a good little side project with some amazing yarns. I’m excited to see how this turns out.
Status: Active
Coast to Coast Wrap

Pattern: Two of Wands
Yarn: Lion Brand Wool Ease
Craft: Knit
I bought a huge box of Wool Ease a couple of years ago to make winter hats to sell. Those Lion Brand sales are my achilles heel. Well, my eyes are bigger than my stomach, so they say, so I decided to use some of the yarn to cast on this Knit-a-long this past March. Three weeks after having a baby. I have zero ability to not take on too much at one time. Anyway, baby napped a lot in the beginning, so I managed to get through half of this rather quickly and then set it aside. I’ve cast on the second half so it’s in progress, but not a priority. Yet. I might escalate it as the colder weather approaches because it is so cozy. This is also my first mosaic knitting project and I’m loving it!
Status: Active
M’s Blanket

Pattern: making this up as I go
Yarn: Bernat Home Decor Premium
Craft: Crochet
Last year I made the Lakeside Coatigan by Coco Crochet Lee and I somehow ordered way too much yarn (shocker), so this January, I decided to turn it into a blanket for my little one. I’ve gotten a goo start on this and it’s almost half done, but it’s not a regular project. I’m making it large enough for his twin bed, so I still have a few years to get this done! So far, I’m loving it. It’s a simple moss stitch but with stripes (think Hudson’s Bay blanket-esque)
Status: Active
Garter Squish

Pattern: Garter Squish by Stephen West
Yarn: everything!
Craft: Knit
A friend tipped me off on this project in order to help eat up my worsted weight yarn and I love it. I started this last year and have about 2′ done on it. I have a whole bag of yarn to use up and it uses 4 strands at a time so this is an incredibly good stash buster. And I love that it will help tell a story with all the different yarns.
Status: Active
Well, there you have it. All twelve of my WIPs. I was feeling bad about having so many projects on the go, but then I saw a reel online where someone had 36, so I guess I’m not doing so bad. Part of me wants to just cast on every project that I have yarn and a pattern set aside for. I’m sure I’d be well over the 36. I don’t have any timeline for these projects, other than the test knit socks, which will hopefully be done the first week of October. I also don’t have a priority list really as I like to drift in and out of projects as my creative brain requires. Each project fulfills a different need for me and I like it that way. I do have to keep reminding myself that these are just my knit/crochet WIPs. I have probably just as many sewing WIPs or hopeful WIPs and some cross stitch projects as well!
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